Their future of safety is in this house

Mikayla’s House of Hope is designed to reduce homelessness through the provision of stable housing and supportive life changing mentorship to equip girls on their life journey

Sharing experiences can make all the difference

Supportive life changing mentorship that will equip girls with sustainable life expectancy 

What We Do and Why

Mikayla’s House of Hope Inc. will significantly improve the lives of emancipated foster girls


We are a resource and refuge for young ladies aging out and emancipating from foster care


We encourage, inspire, empower and edify the young ladies through giving restored hope, value and peace in their lives.


"We will develop an all inclusive residential community that provides the young ladies with a safe place to live, heal, thrive and excel."


We partner with various community organizations to provide the young ladies with mentorship and sustainable life skills


We offer resources for healthcare, health education, financial support and education, career guidance, self-care, culinary and etiquette.


The young ladies that pass through the doors of Mikayla’s House OHI. will be empowered to take control of their lives and be successful, independent positive contributors to society through the S.H.I.N.E Program




S- SUPPORT – You Belong – Welcome Home – Safe stable housing

H- HOPE – WE CARE -compassion-emotional wellness life balance

I- INSPIRE – New outlook – New experiences

N- NAVIGATE – GPS(Go in purpose and succeed)Life Coach, mentorship

E- EQUIP – Life Skills(Finance Continuing Education support, Employment assistance)


When a young lady is emancipated (too old to remain eligible to stay in foster care) she has challenges of not being prepared for the world ahead. Through Mikayla’s House of Hope S.H.I.N.E program they will have a greater opportunity to excel in life. The MHH S.H.I.N.E program will provide stable housing and services that many girls who age out of foster care haven’t experienced before in their lives. In most cases they’re often lacking key skills that allow them to thrive and transition into a young woman with purpose.


The MHH S.H.I.N.E program will help former foster girls make the transition from care to independence.


MHH S.H.I.N.E program is the final opportunity for these young ladies coming out of the foster care system to receive the help and mentorship so many never receive. Almost 70% of eligible foster youth aren’t able to access TAY (Transitional Age Youth) services in California. Your gift to MHH S.H.I.N.E program extends the reach of our services and helps ensure California’s (ANTELOPE VALLEY) foster girls are given all the opportunities to excel.


Coming soon


All funds generated would go to support the residents, programs

and services. The Residents would work to build essential job skills

and earn income………. S.H.I.N.E ACADEMY

Ride this journey with us and become a sponsor

Partner with us as we bring awareness and advocacy of the need for support and resources required for these young ladies.

Your Support Is Needed


How it works?

Work with us as we work with girls to make life work


Connect With Us

Get to understand our vision and commitment to the the girls


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We are open to all walks of help and extentions of help


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Sponsorship and partnering has it's rewards in valuable return

It feels good when you know help is waiting

Raelynn Allen

Help make our girls journey safe, informative and beneficial

Your Support Is Needed


Partner For The Journey

Our Partners, Sponsors, Community, and Government Agencies